Why hiring a ghostwriter is a fabulous idea
Everyone has ideas. It’s impossible not to with our individual life experiences and what we come across each day, which can be either amazing or downright irritating. Either way it can’t fail to get those cogs whirring.
However, sometimes it’s harder to express an idea than you’d like which is where hiring a ghostwriter can help. Their writing is your voice just a lot quicker to get down on paper so that you can carry on having more brilliant thoughts.
So if you’re still not sure if it’s for you, here are seven good reasons to get a ghostwriter to help.
It is cost effective
As we all know, time is money and if you find it hard to sit in front of a screen or blank piece of paper and start that first line then a ghostwriter will be a great investment. They will help with a few ideas of how to begin or often they just get started and you can work together on the first draft and fine tune until it’s exactly what you would like. Or they nail it first time. Boom.
Ghostwriters are used to every step of the writing process, including research, outlining, and drafting. So, rather than spending six hours of your life trying to edit a paragraph, let the ghostwriter get scribing and then you can get on with lots of other things that make you happy or make you money. Or both.
They have walked the walk
Ghostwriters have a lot of writing experience in different fields and have a great understanding of language, style, and tone. Through writing for decades they get started immediately creating content that is engaging with impact.
Attention to detail is important to them and their work and they will work that thesaurus until it’s exhausted so that your copy is fresh and interesting. They can use metaphors and similies with ease if that’s what’s needed and they can tune into the tone and style instantly. Basically, it’s their job to make sure you look great.
They are flexible and super sleuths
Ghostwriters are able to easily adapt to your writing style, tone, and voice, making the content feel like it was written by you. They will often listen to you speak, interview you, watch any posts on social so that they can get the nuances and tone of what you are saying.
They also work with a variety of different formats of writing so they can write non-fiction, fiction for all ages, articles for magazines or newletters, regular blogs (they can also help suggest content ideas), speeches, social media content and also the occasional poem. Whatever you need writing, they’ll be able to turn their hand to it.
They are professional researchers
Ghostwriters are experienced and skilled in rolling up their sleeves and getting into a mountain of research where necessary to make sure that every word written is authentic, accurate and makes sense.
They should use trusted and reliable sources from experts or first hand interviews rather than cribbing off Wikipedia (which is never a great source of reliable evidence when everyone including the cat, as demonstrated in photo, can edit and amend should they wish). Their research makes your writing project totally credible and trustworthy.
You will get even more credibility
Hard to believe but with a well-written piece, your reputation will become further enhanced. Ha! You say how is that possible? Well, you will stand out from the crowd by having something thought-provoking and interesting to say rather than just writing for the sake of it. You can be known as a thought leader, an author an industry expert.
By hiring a ghostwriter you will have compelling content that elevates your credibility to the next level and when you start to regularly offer ideas and thoughts in this way well….watch the queue build up with people wanting to find out more.
They don’t miss deadlines or keep you in the dark
Having great content written for you is one thing but having delivered on time is crucial. Whether it be for a publishing deadline, a forthcoming conference or a milestone in the diary that the piece would be relevant for, a ghostwriter will deliver on time, every time.
They should also keep you updated during the entire writing process so that you know when the draft is coming in, how long it will take to run through, when you can expect the next draft and so on. So you’re not left biting your nails down to the quick as you wait for that email to ping in.
Everything will feel fresh
It’s their job to keep coming up with new ideas and innovative angles that keep your written work look and feel on top of its game.
Nothing will feel as if it’s regurgitated because they’ll spend as much time thinking about what will make your piece stand out as actually tip-tapping the words out on the keyboards.
If you’re looking for something that is going to help reduce stress and make you look brilliant, then hiring a ghostwriter really is a fabulous idea.